The Greenwich Board of Education has devolved into eight (nxxxxxxxxps) sitting around a table lurching from one costly fiasco to the next. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/bill-effros/)
The Greenwich Board of Education has devolved into eight (nxxxxxxxxps) sitting around a table lurching from one costly fiasco to the next. Continue Reading →
A new scoreboard for Cardinal Stadium was installed on Thursday, just in time for a girls soccer game on Friday and the season opener football game on Saturday vs Trumbull. The scoreboard was a gift from the Greenwich Athletic Foundation to the tune of about $115,000. Continue Reading →
“We should work with the BOE to make Havemeyer field a signature field for football and playoffs. It ties nicely to the downtown. You can illuminate it and I don’t believe there’s limitations on that. It will bring people into our downtown which would help our local economy.” – Peter Tesei Continue Reading →
The remediation plan submitted by the Town for approval requires the school to be closed. When does the Board of Education plan to close Greenwich High School? Where will the students go while the school is closed? Continue Reading →
The Board of Selectmen are waiting for Sandy Litvack to be sworn in and fully briefed on potential litigation to reopen the 2003 settlement with GHS neighbor Bill Effros. The court judgement prohibits Cardinal Field from being illuminated more than a handful of nights per year. Continue Reading →
An item has been added by Peter Sherr to Thursday night’s Board of Education meeting agenda to take up the possibility of litigating a 2003 agreement concerning lighting of fields at Greenwich High School. Continue Reading →
The architects are in the early stages of conducting the feasibility study and are currently running focus groups to gather input from key stakeholders that use the fields. Continue Reading →
With the new school year ringing in a change in start time at GHS, the concern that shorter daylight hours for sports games and practices is being weighed against the outdated lighting in Cardinal Stadium and deed restrictions resulting from a settlement with residential neighbors.
Town attorney Wayne Fox said nothing has been decided regarding legal action to overturn the stipulations in a 2003 court order. Continue Reading →
“Sooner or later GHS will be closed.” – Bill Effros Continue Reading →
At the last Parks & Rec board meeting, there was discussion of the “Effros Judgement.” GHS neighbor Bill Effros responds. Continue Reading →