Based on the 1992 Disney film, this spectacular 30-minute musical designed for elementary school-aged performers, is directed by Cindy Busani, teaching artist for Open Arts Alliance, music directed by ISD music teacher and choir director, Dr. Sandra Heikel, and produced by the ISD PTA and a team of 5th grade parent volunteers. Continue Reading →
International School at Dundee
Recent Posts
Schools Chief Jones Appoints New Principal at ISD
Dana Firmender is currently the assistant principal at Trumbull Public School’s Hillcrest Middle School. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, Dana Firmender, Dr. Toni Jones, Greenwich Schools, International School at Dundee, ISD, Teresa Ricci
ISD’s Jane Martellino Honored by the American Library Association
Martellino was selected from 1,865 nominations from library users across the country. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, American Library Association, International School at Dundee, ISD, Jane Martinello
Two New Courses Proposed at Greenwich High School
Administrators presented an advanced computer science course and a yoga and mindfulness course. The courses will come up as action items on the BOE agenda for the February meeting. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Schools, Computer Sciences, course of study guide, Dr. Toni Jones, Greenwich High School, Honors Advanced Topics in Computer Science, International School at Dundee
The International School at Dundee Presents The Lion King Kids
The musical, which is based on the Disney film and Broadway production, is the first ISD has staged in recent years. Performances are set for Thursday, June 6 and Friday, June 7. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Arts, Ana Laborde, International School at Dundee, ISD, ISD PTA, Kyle LeMaire, Lion King, Open Arts Alliance
ISD International Family Night to Feature Remarks by Mexico’s Consul General
Mexico’s consul general Diego Gomez Pickering will be at the school at 6:15 p.m. to talk to families about his country. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, International School at Dundee, ISD
ISD 2017 Concert and 4th Grade Art Show Celebrate Holidays
The International School at Dundee on Thursday Dec. 14 held its annual 4th Grade Art Show and Holiday Concert celebrating seasonal songs from various cultures. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Arts, Schools, International School at Dundee, ISD
Greenwich Youth Conservation Program Grateful to Greenwich Teen Volunteers
Remarkably, 110 of the 112 teens who participated in the 2017 Greenwich Youth Conservation Program said they had a positive experience. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Babcock Trails, Bible Street Park, Bruce Park, Byram Beach, Christiano Field, Greenwich Youth Conservation Program, International School at Dundee
Greenwich Schools Library Media Coordinator Jeannine Madoff to Return to Classroom
“While I have sincerely appreciated the opportunity I’ve had to collaborate with so many dedicated district administrators, I have missed working directly with the students, the energy and vibrancy of the classroom, and the chance to put my knowledge and insights into practice.” – Jeannine Madoff Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, Greenwich Public Schools, International School at Dundee, Jeannine Madoff
International School at Dundee to Hold Massive Tag Sale
Riverside’s International School at Dundee elementary school invites the community to its giant all-school tag sale on Saturday, April 29, 9:00am – 3:00pm. (From 9-10am is for ISD only; there is a $10 early bird fee for non ISD). Continue Reading →