Ed Vick, a former Lieutenant in the US Navy served two tours in Vietnam in a Patrol Boat, Riverine “PBR,” possibly the most hazardous duty in Vietnam. He led over 100 combat missions on the rivers of the Mekong Delta. Continue Reading →
American Legion
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Politicized Veterans Day Speeches Spark Reactions in Greenwich
The annual Veterans Day Patriotic Walk benefited from balmy temps and sunny skies, ideal to honor those who served in the United States Armed Forces. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Holiday, Afghanistan, Alan Clair, American Legion, Beth Krumeich, Byram Veterans, D-Day, Fred Camillo
Veterans Day 4th Annual Community Walk to Honor Combat Injured Millennials
The Greenwich Veterans Council represents a collaboration among American Legion, Byram Veterans Assocation, VFW, Greenwich Military Covenant of Care and the Greenwich Dept of Social Services. On Nov 11 the community walk will honor combat wounded millennials. Many become amputees. “Today, the injuries of millennials in combat is different. Independently exploded devices (IEDs) cause injuries resulting in more amputees,” said Bruce Winningham. “In the past you would have bled to death.” Continue Reading →