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SEEC Rules 2020 Attack Ads to Benefit Ryan Fazio Campaign Were Totally Legit

Except for “Minor Attribution Violations,” the State Elections Enforcement Commission ruled the payments that the CT Republican Party made to benefit the Ryan Fazio candidate committee violated neither limits on the amount that the party committee could spend nor the type of communications it could create. Continue Reading →

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SEEC Launches Investigation into Allegations of Misuse of State Election Financing by State Rep Harry Arora

“The expenses mentioned in the complaint are all for legitimate payments made to other entities including Google, USPS etc. through a family-owned entity that did not retain any of the funds. To the extent this needs to be clarified in the fillings, our campaign Treasurer will work with the SEEC to do so.” – Harry Arora Continue Reading →

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SEEC to Investigate Complaint against RTM Candidates, Fiscal Freedom for CT

The SEEC has agreed to investigate a complaint by Lorelei O’Hagan against Fiscal Freedom for CT, Laura Gladstone and others. The complaint alleges coordination and impermissible expenditures from Fiscal Freedom of CT on behalf of RTM candidates, including one or more of its own members, in the Nov 5, 2019 municipal election. Continue Reading →

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Tesei and Litvack React to SEEC Fine on Treasurer of BET Candidate Turner

“Since neither Mr. Turner nor his campaign Treasurer has anything to do with my and Jill Oberlander’s campaign, it is time to return to the merits of the election and our effort to bring leadership and good governance back to Greenwich.” – Sandy Litvack, Democratic candidate for re-election as Selectman Continue Reading →

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