Nisha Arora

Recent Posts

BET Chair’s Tie-Breaking Vote Means Decision on Funding Greenwich Ave Intersection Improvements is Postponed

Several Republican members of the BET questioned whether Greenwich Avenue was even out of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Karen Fassuliotis said the ADA law included a “Safe Harbor” clause meant that if there was compliance with the 1991 ADA or 2010 ADA standards for curb cuts, it wasn’t necessary to upgrade them when there is repaving. Continue Reading →

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Arora Accused of Fear-Mongering for Calling Renovation in Place at Old Greenwich School Unsafe 

“The kids will be in this building when this renovation is going on and these hazardous chemicals are being abated. Make no doubt there will be asbestos and other hazardous chemicals. If it were my young child I would not want them in that school.” – Nisha Arora Continue Reading →

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CMS Building Committee Refers to RTM a Request to Replace A Member ASAP

The vote was 7-2 on a motion that the building committee request the RTM, or RTM moderator, or the RTM Public Works Committee immediately replace Michael Spilo as the RTM representative to the committee as soon as possible.
“Attempting to remove someone you don’t like from the committee, and to do this in a submarine fashion that pops up at the last minute seems very improper and counter to Democracy.” – Michael Spilo Continue Reading →

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OPINION: Revitalizing Old Greenwich Elementary – Unveiling the Facts behind the Renovation

“The best decisions are made when we listen to each other, focus on facts, and debate openly and rigorously.” – Nisha Arora, Bill Drake, Karen Fassuliotis, Harry Fisher and Leslie Tarkington are Republican members of the Board of Estimate & Taxation. Continue Reading →

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BET’s “Ugly, Messy Conversation” on Discontinuing OGS Independent Cost Estimator Project

The BET met Monday and the agenda included a motion presented by Democratic member Leslie Moriarty to discontinue the Old Greenwich School cost estimate project. Mr. Ramer said the process had become tainted because one member of the BET had talked to a bidder. Continue Reading →

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