The BET met Monday and the agenda included a motion presented by Democratic member Leslie Moriarty to discontinue the Old Greenwich School cost estimate project. Mr. Ramer said the process had become tainted because one member of the BET had talked to a bidder. Continue Reading →
Jeff Ramer
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Standing Room Only BET Public Hearing Draws Passionate Residents
Monday night’s BET public hearing on the capital budget and American Recovery Plan Act spending will largely be remembered for the groups who championed or opposed specific projects. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Abbe Large, Alan Gunzburg, ARPA Funding, BET, Bill Drake, bump outs, Central Middle School
Greenwich DTC: BET Republicans rejected school capital projects, including structural study for CMS
“Over the objections of the BET Democrats, the BET Republicans have rejected school capital projects, including the structural study for CMS that led to its closure this week.” Greenwich DTC Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Andy Duus, BET, BET Democrats, BET Republicans, Beth Krumeich, Bill Drake, David Weisbrod
BET Debate Highlights Difference in Philosophies as Parties Vie for Coveted Tie-Breaking Vote
Though all nominees will be seated after Nov 2, the result of the election is that the party whose candidates garner the most votes in total gets to choose the BET’s chair, and that person holds the tie breaking vote. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, ADA compliance, air quality, Bill Drake, Board of Education, Board of Estimate and Taxation, capital projects, Dan Ozizmir
RAMER: The Tax Collector Who Didn’t
“I pay my real estate taxes, and I am pretty sure that you do too. Accordingly, it distresses me to learn that our Tax Collector, by her neglect over the past year, has allowed nine tax accounts in Greenwich to lie uncollected for more than fifteen years, and by statute, those taxes are now time barred and have become legally uncollectible by the Town.” – Jeff Ramer Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Heather Smeriglio, Jeff Ramer, Tax Collector
Greenwich DTC Formally Endorses Candidates for the 2021 Municipal Election
“At their July 21st meeting, pursuant to state law, the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee formally endorsed an impressive group of candidates for the 2021 municipal elections. They are consistently well-qualified and well-versed in how town government works.” – Greenwich DTC Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Bill Grad, Bill Kelly, David Weisbrod, Dawn Fortunato, Donnie Romeo, Howard Richman, Janet Stone McGuigan
BET Reshuffles after Resignation of Mike Mason; New Member Added; Chair, Vice Chair Elected
After Mike Mason resigned from the BET to take a job as consultant to the town, the BET voted on a new member, a new chair and new vice chair. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Andy Duus, BET, Beth Krumeich, Bill Drake, David Weisbrod, Debra Hess, Harry Fisher
Greenwich DTC’s Nominating Committee Recommends Candidates for Municipal Election
The Nominating Committee of the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee announced on Monday a full slate of candidates for the upcoming municipal elections. Pursuant to state law, the DTC will hold its nominating convention to endorse candidates at its July 21 meeting. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Bill Grad, Bill Kelly, David Weisbrod, Dawn Fortunato, Donnie Romeo, DTC, Elizabeth Krumeich
RAMER: Mason is mistaken. Emergency appropriations have been approved on tentative estimates.
“In his letter dated April 21, 2021, Mr. Mason wrongly states that ‘the process followed by the BET for the North Mianus School project is consistent with the process followed for all emergency appropriations,’ that process allegedly being to fund only ‘once the scope and costs of the North Mianus project are known.’
He is mistaken.” – Jeff Ramer Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Jeff Ramer, Michael Mason
RAMER: Whose Budget is this ?
” Low taxes are great. Stinginess is not. One time gimmicks that compromise fund balances, risk funds, and sound capital financing certainly are not. To me, these party-line votes were mean and unsound budgeting.” – Jeff Ramer, Democratic member of the Board of Estimate and Taxation Continue Reading →