“If you were shocked by the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, by the people attacking and murdering police officers while waving Blue Lives Matter flags, by the man wearing a “Camp Auschwitz” t-shirt, or those sporting garments with 6MWE (“Six million wasn’t enough), by people trying to pull off a security officer’s gas mask while his head was crushed in a door, you’ve haven’t been paying attention.” – Sarah Darer Littman Continue Reading →
Sarah Darer Littman
Recent Posts
Mass Observation Project on COVID-19 Experience Borrows Concept from WWII Effort
Greenwich author Vince Briceland and Greenwich Historical Society seek to document individual experiences during the coronavirus pandemic. Materials, photos and stories are being collected to chronicle this extraordinary time in history. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, People & Culture, #MOC19, COVID-19, Mass Observation, Sarah Darer Littman, Vince Briceland
LETTER: Candidate Camillo Continues Silence in Face of Trump Hate Rhetoric
“Mr. Kriskey seeks to deny local impact of the Republican party leader’s rhetoric.” – Sarah Darer Littman Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Dayton, Donald Trump, El Paso, fake news, Fred Camillo, Jack Kriskey, Sarah Darer Littman
Candlelight Vigil in Greenwich Protests Inhumane Treatment of Migrants at Border Camps
Crowds gathered at Greenwich Town Hall for a “Lights for Liberty” vigil to protest inhumane conditions at southern border camps for migrants. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, #CloseTheCamps, #don'tlookaway, #lightsforligerty, Alex Bergstein, Alex Kasser, Don't Look Away, Donald Trump
Littman: Camillo’s Proposed Independent Commission on Redistricting Would Inject Politics into the Process
“The proposed makeup of Rep. Camillo’s commission is, to put it mildly, curious, given that it completely excludes the Working Families Party, which has garnered 2.6 times more votes over the two election cycles than the Independent Party.” – Sarah Darer Littman, Greenwich Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Fred Camillo, Independent Party, Sarah Darer Littman, Working Families Party
Greenwich Pen Women Owl Award Presented to Margaret Esme Simon
The 2018 Owl Award was presented to Margaret Esme Simon, an artist member of the Greenwich Pen Women. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Arts, Greenwich Pen Women, Margaret Esme Simon, Sarah Darer Littman
Littman: “I am begging Greenwich Republicans to speak out against the hate speech”
“Greenwich Republicans, your silence is deafening. History will remember that you continued to put your party over our country, humanity and decency. And we will remember when it comes time to vote.” – Sarah Darer Littman Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, Donald Trump, Greenwich Delegation, Sarah Darer Littman
Local Author to Discuss Newest Book, “Fairest of Them All” at Cos Cob Library
“Fairest of Them All” is intended for readers in 4th-7th grades.
In the novel, Aria absolutely loves anything and everything to do with the design world.
But sewing and needles are a particularly touchy subject for Aria’s family—especially her mother, Sleeping Beauty who famously pricked her finger on a spinning wheel needle and fell asleep for a really long time. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Arts, Cos Cob Library, Firest of Them All, Sarah Darer Littman
Letter: Greenwich Schools Teach Sexual Abuse Prevention, Yet Adults Excuse the Behavior
“Are we seriously arguing over whether Chris von Keyserling pinched a town employee in the workplace on her bottom or her vagina, because the argument is “Well, if it’s her bottom it’s not so bad” in the year 2017, almost two decades after my kids learned in Greenwich Public schools that we don’t touch anyone in the bathing suit area, period?” – Sarah Darer Littman Continue Reading →