In the Boys Division, two players from Greenwich High School made pivotal performances on the field: Segundo Mas, selected as captain of the All Star team, and Benja Thompson, selected as MVP of the tournament for his decisive play as halfback. Continue Reading →
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Meet Isabella Gega, Greenwich High School’s Gregarious Student Body President
Isabella’s ability to put people at ease combined with her passion for her school has made her a good fit to lead the GHS student body coming out of the pandemic. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, Andy Bramante, Covid, Greenwich High School, Isabella Gega, Karen Foster, pandemic, Ralph Mayo
Team Sports on Pause Rules in CT Explained
The rules impact team sports (team is considered a group of more than 4 people jointly engaged in an organized or recreational athletic activity on a court, field, etc), as well as gyms and fitness centers. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Health, Sports, 11-on-11 Football, boxing, boys lacrosse, competitive cheer, competitive dance teams
Kelly Seeks Republican Nomination for State Rep,150th House District
Joe Kelly said if his campaign for State Rep is successful he would continue to serve on the Board of Education. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Schools, Sports, Board of Education, Greenwich Schools, Joe Kelly, Rugby, Steve Meskers
GHS JV Rugby Coach Laczkowski Reflects on His Winning Team
Mitchell Grimes is a member of the GHS class of 2019 and heads to Indiana University in the fall. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Sports, Cardinals, Greenwich High School, Michael Laczkowski, Mitchell Grimes, Rugby, Xavier
Coach Kelly Kicks Off Campaign for Selectman at Milbrook Club with Passion
“They talk about how they want to tax the wealthy more. Let’s put them to the challenge and prove it doesn’t have to Bernie Sanders Socialism to get things accomplished. Let’s prove we can work together with those who have and those who have-not to fix things. Ray Dalio says capitalism is broken. Let’s be an example of how it we can work together and fix it. Capitalism works. Socialism is not the route forward. Capitalism works and and what better Town to lead than Greenwich?” – Joe Kelly, Republican candidate for the Board of Selectman Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Carmella Budkins, Fred Camillo, Granit Balidemaj, Greenwich High School, Jill Kelly, Joe Kelly, John Toner
BOE Request for Temporary Lights at Central Middle School Denied by Planning & Zoning
The Board of Education went before the Planning & Zoning commission on Thursday with a proposal for a few weeks in early sprig 2018 for temporary lights at Central Middle School to be used by the 154 member GHS Rugby team. They said the lights would be powered either by diesel or electricity. When the commissioners said it had to be one or the other, the facilities director picked electricity. The commission voted 5-0 to deny. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Schools, Central Middle School, Coachlamp Lane, Greenwich High School, Rugby, temporary lights, traffic
OGRCC Rugby Players Jet to Miami to Play the Key Biscayne Rugby Rats
More than fifty OGRCC Rugby players and coaches recently returned from a successful Miami Rubgy tour. Continue Reading →