Her grandfather brought his family to Greenwich in the 1960s and her father and uncle attended the Greenwich Public Schools. She is excited to live and work in Greenwich and to reconnect with family friends. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/new-lebanon-school/page/3/)
Her grandfather brought his family to Greenwich in the 1960s and her father and uncle attended the Greenwich Public Schools. She is excited to live and work in Greenwich and to reconnect with family friends. Continue Reading →
At Thursday’s BOE meeting parents and students continued to press the board for improved quality food in Greenwich Schools cafeterias. Continue Reading →
The next generation in schools is here! Applications for the 2019-2020 school year are now being accepted at New Lebanon School. Continue Reading →
New Lebanon School will be providing two opportunities for the community to visit the new building and learn more about the New Lebanon School magnet program:
Community Open House – February 23, 10:00am
Magnet Program Open House – February 23, 1:00pm Continue Reading →
Barbara Riccio will remain at the helm during the transition to the new school which has sprung to life behind the existing too-small building. Feb 19 is move in date for the new New Lebanon School. Continue Reading →
“Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. I will always treasure that time. I’d like to give special thanks to my family, especially my wife Shannon and my two sons, Michael and Sean, whose love and support over the years has meant more to me than anyone will ever know. Ladies and gentleman, Elvis has left the building.” – Mike Bocchino Continue Reading →
According to chair of the building committee Steve Walko, the project remains on-time and on-budget. The temporary certificate of occupancy date remains December 24, 2018, with a projected move-in date of February 19, 2019, which is the first day after winter break. The project has received two reimbursements from the state to date totaling $8,214,311. Continue Reading →
New Lebanon School children were on vacation while work progressed on their new school. Continue Reading →
On Dec 2, the New Lebanon PTA will provide chaperoned activities for kids so parents can spend time shopping the boutique. There are over 30 vendors this year! Continue Reading →
On Thursday, New Lebanon School’s Theater Club will perform Disney’s The Aristocats Kids! There will be two performances – one during school and one in the evening for families and friends. Continue Reading →