While First Selectman Fred Camillo said he was pleased that Nathaniel Witherell had amended their visitation policy, but it was also important to encourage people to get vaccinated. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/nathaniel-witherell/page/2/)
While First Selectman Fred Camillo said he was pleased that Nathaniel Witherell had amended their visitation policy, but it was also important to encourage people to get vaccinated. Continue Reading →
Mary Tate, Director of Volunteer Services, graciously accepted the gifts and will place them at the six nursing stations at Nathaniel Witherell. Continue Reading →
“In a year when folks need it most, many neighbors, businesses and organizations came up with new ideas to still keep the holiday spirit alive in Greenwich.” – Jessica Reid Continue Reading →
Cuts include police directing traffic on Greenwich Avenue. New would be “Pay As You Throw” at the dump. Residents would not have to pay to to recycle, but would be required to purchase special bags for their trash at local retailers. Continue Reading →
At the recent community open house at Nathaniel Witherell, there was music, hors d’oeuvres, and refreshments as guests toured the recently modernized short-term rehab and long-term skilled nursing center. Continue Reading →
This year’s sports celebrities include: Craig Bingham, a former Pittsburgh Steeler Linebacker; Jeff Feagles, Giant All-Pro Punter and 2007 Super Bowl Champion; Chuck Mercein, former six-year NFL Running Back for the New York Giants and Green Bay Packers; and Sue Merz, U.S. Women’s Olympic Hockey Team Gold and Silver Medalist. Continue Reading →
In Peter J. Tesei’s First Selectman Updates at the Board’s first regularly scheduled monthly meeting on July 8th, he addressed the board’s recent and future plans in and around town. Continue Reading →
Monday marked the unveiling of what is just the first success in plans to renovate The Nathaniel Witherell Short-Term Rehab and Skilled Nursing Center, owned by the town of Greenwich. The new rehabilitation center is part of Project Renew, a plan to modernize and refurbish the facility that has been a part of our community for over a century. Continue Reading →