The third annual ReThink Waste Fair featured a fashion show from the “OR Blue Wrap Upcycled Project.” Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/monica-prihoda/)
The third annual ReThink Waste Fair featured a fashion show from the “OR Blue Wrap Upcycled Project.” Continue Reading →
“People are working from home more and more, and I’m getting complaints about that. Most of the landscapers I’ve spoken to – most are really good friends of mine – they agree with that.” – Fred Camillo Continue Reading →
“This is a shout out for residents to VOTE IN LOCAL ELECTIONS. What’s important to you? A safe school building? Learn who stands for what. The League of Women Voters is an excellent resource for non-partisan information. Vote, or you get this.” – Monica Prihoda, Old Greenwich Continue Reading →
“We are as concerned as everyone about the economic impact of the pandemic. However, current indicators suggest our Town’s finances have held steadfast. Property transactions — and conveyance tax revenues — have increased. Divide the $900,000 difference between the BET and BOE budgets by the 16,000 families living in Greenwich and one gets $56.25.” – group letter Continue Reading →
“I spent a few hours at my polling place in District 1 where I ran into Leslie Yager. I am a Republican and very much enjoyed the comradery…” – Ed Dadakis Continue Reading →
“Disappointingly, the forum is decidedly Republican, not bipartisan and is scheduled on the same night as the monthly nonpartisan full member RTM meeting.” – Monica Prihoda, RTM Old Greenwich District 6 Continue Reading →
Dozens spoke out against the anti-tolling resolution, saying the non-partisan RTM should not get involved in state issues. Other disagreed, including Democrats, saying tolls would hurt “the little guy” and be a regressive tax. Continue Reading →
“Our only hope is you, me, us, standing together – becoming informed and voting – for what is decent and fair for all. The 2018 election, although not Presidential, is crucial.” – Monica Prihoda, RTM Old Greenwich District 6 Continue Reading →