Karen Kowalski

Recent Posts

Camillo Eager to Move School Administration to Privately Owned Office Space Rental; Issue RFP for Repurposing Historic Havemeyer Building

“Has any work been done to see the true cost of repairs, bringing the building up to code and ADA compliant? It is a gem of a space. There’s so many ways we can use that space to share with members of the community.” – Karen Hirsh Continue Reading →

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RANEY: Stop Playing The Public Schools Budget Cut Game!

“…the Schools administration is arguing that the only way to meet the BET guidance is to cut services. As usual, they pick services that have a vocal advocacy group to raise a fuss in the hope that they will keep the proposed increase. They seem to do this every year.” – Brian Raney Continue Reading →

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New Faces at BOE Meeting Plead: Waste No More Time on New CMS

“I cannot believe I am standing here now and it’s even a controversy whether to fix up a building to make it safe for our kids. You are galvanizing moderates and people who never come to meetings like this. They’re coming out now.” – Jodi Applegate Kay Continue Reading →

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Is Election Silly Season Creating a Stalemate on Superintendent Contract Renewal?

The BOE voted 4-4 down party lines on a one-year contract extension, Republicans voting yes for one year and Democrats voting no, preferring a 2-year extension. The motion failed to pass. On a motion to extend the contract for two years, there was another tie vote down party lines. That motion also failed to pass. BOE chair Joe Kelly announced he would not be seeking another term in the November election and that was more reason for the superintendent’s contract extension to be one year, not two. Continue Reading →

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