Barbara Schellenberg

Recent Posts

Selectmen Vote 2-0-1 to Appoint Cappiali to BOE Vacancy; Town and BOE to Litigate

On Monday the BOE voted 4-1 to fill their Republican vacancy with Jen Behette. At Tuesday’s special meeting of the Selectmen, Town attorney Schellenberg said the Selectmen could appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy on any town board of commission if that vacancy hasn’t been filled in 30 days, pursuant to CGS section 7-107. Democratic Selectperson Stone McGuigan said the BOE was a state body, not a town board of commission. Continue Reading →

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New Faces at BOE Meeting Plead: Waste No More Time on New CMS

“I cannot believe I am standing here now and it’s even a controversy whether to fix up a building to make it safe for our kids. You are galvanizing moderates and people who never come to meetings like this. They’re coming out now.” – Jodi Applegate Kay Continue Reading →

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BOE May Hire Attorney for Second Opinion on Wetmore ‘Section 99 Memo’ Delaying CMS Timeline

BOE members balked at being advised they couldn’t seek a second opinion. Meanwhile, the building committee did not want to “pause” to focus on just the MI approval process, but rather to proceed with both design documents as part of the “study and survey” process and the MI approval. Continue Reading →

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