LETTER: Input on Mural Art Across from GHS Should Include Students

Submitted by Joe Williamson

To the Editor:

While I applaud the initiative to cover the concrete wall behind the Milbrook bus stop with public art, (Public Art: Mural May Grace Concrete Wall on East Putnam Ave across from GHS, April 21, 2021) I am surprised by the autonomy given to the Greenwich Sustainability Committee and the Planning & Zoning Greenscape Committee in selecting a subject and artist… with work apparently ready to commence in a matter of weeks!

Aside from the obvious concern about a lack of public input (this is public art, after all), I am surprised that an opportunity was not taken to engage local artists, particularly students.

Were art teachers in local schools consulted about ways to include students in the design and creation process?

How about the Parks & Recreation summer art camp? There seem to be many ways to make this admirable initiative even MORE of an asset to and reflection of our community.

Hopefully it isn’t too late to reconsider.

Joe Williamson