“We have come today to honor all those who have run, jumped, slid, scored, thrown, caught, and cheered on this field as it gives way to a new generation of students and memories.” – CMS principal Tom Healy Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/steph-cowie/)
“We have come today to honor all those who have run, jumped, slid, scored, thrown, caught, and cheered on this field as it gives way to a new generation of students and memories.” – CMS principal Tom Healy Continue Reading →
The Building Committee also discussed next steps for selecting a new chair. Continue Reading →
“We’re hoping we can address enough issues that this will become non-controversial.” – P&Z commission chair Margarita Alban Continue Reading →
Brian Peldunas was named the recipient of the 2022 Essence Award and Stephanie Cowie received the 2022 Lifetime Essence Award. Continue Reading →
In the end, 111 members opposed eliminating the $2.8 million for bump outs and 95 voted in favor of eliminating the money. Four people abstained. Continue Reading →
“The driving is frightful.” –Steph Cowie Continue Reading →