The topic of Missy Wolfe’s talk was her recent book, Hidden History of Colonial Greenwich, and it coincided with a colonial America unit currently being taught to their three 5th Grade classes. Continue Reading →
Missy Wolfe
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Standing Room Only for Horseneck Daughters of the American Revolution and Greenwich Library Event with Missy Wolfe
Missy Wolfe gave a presentation on Greenwich history, addressing the early settlers, both English and Dutch, as well as our native Americans. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Arts, Greenwich Library, Horseneck Daughters of the American Revolution, Missy Wolfe
Horseneck DAR, Greenwich Library to Host Talk with Author Missy Wolfe, Historical Researcher
On Monday, December 5, the Horseneck Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and Greenwich Library will host an evening talk with author Missy Wolfe, an avid historical researcher who has spent well over a decade researching and writing about Greenwich history. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Arts, Horseneck Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Missy Wolfe
A Second Look at The Old Bridge at Steep Hollow – Folklore & Hidden History
“What is in a name? A bit of folklore, a lot of history, but also a lot of forgotten or hidden history.” – Andrew Melillo Continue Reading →
Filed under: Greenwich History, Andrew Melillo, Cos Cob, Gershom Lockwood, Greenwich Graphic, Hidden History of Colonial Greenwich, Mianus Bridge, Missy Wolfe
Missy Wolfe to Speak at RMA on Aug 29
Missy Wolfe, author of The Hidden History of Colonial Greenwich, details the strategies and setbacks of creating Greenwich in colonial America’s First Period. Continue Reading →