Dr. Michael Goldstein requested that the town raise the Israeli flag on May 14 to mark Israeli Independence Day. It was a first read. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/flag-policy/)
Dr. Michael Goldstein requested that the town raise the Israeli flag on May 14 to mark Israeli Independence Day. It was a first read. Continue Reading →
“Did the Board of Selectmen bow from pressure by hate groups? No. This is simply not true, but makes for great campaign rhetoric for those who would desire to make a mountain out of an ant hill to energize their political base, rather than be objective and pragmatic.” – Andrew Melillo Continue Reading →
“I do not believe that our treasured celebrations – especially ones centered around minority groups like Juneteenth and Pride – should be voted on each year.” – Janet Stone McGuigan, Greenwich Selectperson Continue Reading →