The week started out with a cheer on Greenwich Free Press. Sunday night the Town turned out to cheer for the cheerleaders and we wondered why no other news outlets don’t cover this fantastic event.
Check out our videos and dozens of photos of the GYCL Expo ’14 if you missed the story: GYCL Cheerleading Expo is Foot-Stomping, Applause-Worthy FUN!
On Friday we learned about The Fresh Air Fund from Nicole Heath who has been volunteering for the non-profit for 20 years. In fact The Fresh Air Fund has brought 1.8 million inner city kids out for some fresh air and to connect to nature since 1877.
If you’re interested, but work during the day, often times local camps are flexible to accommodate The Fresh Air Fund kids. So don’t necessarily rule it out.
Also, Heath said, you don’t necessarily need to have young children to host one. There are grandparents and empty nesters who host children. Ever Thought about Hosting a Fresh Air Fund Child? How about This Summer?
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Greenwich Free Press took a look inside Whitby School on Wednesday. We joined Mark Greenstein and his band of Kids Corner instructors who take their lessons to the road. During our visit the children learned magic tricks from Mark Goldstein and film making from Drew Lanthier.
There’s no doubt the children had fun and learned in the process. After all, they have their pick of enrichment classes. Next time, we will return to check out their robotics class. What’s Happening up at Whitby? After School Enrichment.
Our follow up to James Finn’s history piece on the mansion at Pomerance, former home of Barbara Tuchman, that has sat abandoned for a decade and become a magnet for vandals featured dozens of photos. The Town plans to partially demolish the house, taking it down to its original foundation.
Though the mansion was originally “Wyndygoul,” home to Ernest Thompson Seton, that house burned down and the existing house was built about 50 years ago. PHOTOS: Seton House, Attractive Nuisance?
Launching a new series on parents who have successfully returned to work after raising children, GFP featured the success of Tori Aiello, who, along with her husband are raising two girls. Alexandra is studying up at Exeter and Christina is at Central Middle School.
Tori built on her skills training new members for the Junior League and running fundraisers and motivating volunteers at Julian Curtiss School PTA and became a communication coach with the Speech Improvement Company. Tori Aiello: From PTA and Jr League Volunteer to Sought-After Communication Coach
Of course Tuesday’s election results are now history and we know Governor Malloy squeaked by with a narrow margin of victory over Tom Foley, the Republican candidate from our Town. Still, a win is a win.
On the local level, the one contested race was between Mike Bocchino (R) and Jill Oberlander (D) for State Rep to fill Stephen Walko’s shoes in Ditrict 150. In this narrow victory, the Democrats were disappointed. It’s been nearly a century since the minority party has sent a representative to Hartford.
Use your imagination to visualize a four story apartment building for seniors in this corner of Armstrong Court.
The space along Booth Place is steep and is adjacent to the former town “dump,” now Holly Hill Recycling Center.
Residents and neighbors have relayed to the selectmen their embrace of a proposed overhaul of the entire complex, built in the 1950s, even if it involves every tenant moving to a new apartment.
However, at a meeting with RTM, residents, neighbors and the selectmen much of the Chickahominy community drew the line at the four-story apartment building with 51 units for seniors, especially because its proposed entrance and exit is via Booth Place, essentially one large cul de sac that incorporates Booth Court and Booth Terrace — all on the same steep slope. At Thursday’s Board of Selectmen meeting, Mr.Tesei indicated his board was in receipt of a petition from residents and neighbors opposing the senior building, and thus the vote on MI status has been delayed until further notice. The selectmen said they were amenable to schedule an evening meeting at a convenient location to gather additional feedback. Armstrong Court Neighbors: “Not So Fast on New Multi-Story Seniors Building”
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