“In terms of precipitation, we have had the driest two-month period ever recorded since records began in 1905 and have seen the impacts with increased fire danger conditions. We must begin early steps now to mitigate the potential for harm should the drought be prolonged.” – Office of Policy and Management Undersecretary Martin Heft, chairman of the Connecticut Interagency Drought Workgroup Continue Reading →
Recent Posts
Holly Hill Sets Up an Area for Residents to Drop Off Pumpkins to be Composted
At the Holly Hill Resource Recovery facility, they have set up an area near the yard waste section for residents to drop off their pumpkins and gourds. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, compost, Great Pumpkin Rescue, Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility, pumpkins
Drivers Struggle to Adjust to Pointy Bump-Out by Starbucks on Greenwich Ave
“The improvements recently installed are put in place to address ADA compliance at this intersection. With every new design and installation, there is a period of time where drivers will need to get adjusted to improvements.” – Samantha Erfe Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Transportation
ARZENO: Honored and Excited to Continue as State Rep in 151st District
“I continue to hold a deep gratitude to you all, the thoughtful conversations while I walked to thousands of doorsteps, the volunteers that made phone calls and wrote letters, the neighbors with a friendly hello or “hec yes!”, and especially my family that have continued to support me while I focus on delivering positive outcomes for Greenwich businesses, non-profits, and residents.” – Hector Arzeno, State Rep (D-151) Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government
Greenwich Republicans Are Joyous on Election Night 2024
“After running against the single most most expensive state legislative campaign in state history, I’m still standing.” – Ryan Fazio Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Hector Arzeno, James Bonney, Luke Merrill, Nick Simmons, Paul Cappiali, Rachel Khanna, Ryan Fazio
Registrars of Voters Report Problems with Tabulators Reading Ballots in Greenwich’s District 1
This was reported at the polling place, Julian Curtiss School. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government
Greenwich Investment Group Operator Faces 23-Count Indictment for Alleged Investment Fraud Scheme
As alleged in the indictment, Justin C. Murphy owned and operated Greenwich-based Mara Investment Group, LLC, which Murphy purported to be a hedge fund that solicited and accepted investments and used a quantitative strategy that balanced long and short positions in securities. He was charged with money laundering, wire fraud and tax evasion. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government
U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut Vanessa Avery Announces 2024 Election Day Program
“Every citizen must be able to vote without interference or discrimination and to have that vote counted in a fair and free election.” – U.S. Attorney Vanessa Avery Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government
Questions about Carrying over Non-Conformities Persist for Berkley Insurance Co’s Proposed Office Building
Per state statutes, legally non-conforming conditions regarding any building lot or use lawfully in existence at the time of its creation, may continue in its non-conforming status and shall be deemed lawful, provided that the nonconforming use is not abandoned. So the question is if existing buildings are demolished, are they abandoning the non conforming use? Continue Reading →
Filed under: Business, Government, Real Estate
P&Z Commission Approves Tesla Parking Along Laddins Rock Rd, Replacing School Bus Parking
Tesla received approval for improvements to a parking lot along Laddins Rock Rd in the GB zone. The buildings associated with the property are located in the city of Stamford. Only the parking lot is in Greenwich. Continue Reading →