Smilow Cancer Center

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Greenwich Hospital Returns to P&Z with New Proposal for Smilow Cancer Center

Before denying the application for a new building in the RMF (multi family) zone in 2021 and 2022, Greenwich P&Z urged the hospital to accommodate the Smilow Cancer Center within existing properties, blend into the surrounding neighborhood and farm out services to other locations to free up space on the main campus.
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P&Z Denies Greenwich Hospital’s Smilow Cancer Center a Second Time

“I struggle with the need to sacrifice a residential neighborhood to offer enhanced cancer care given the availability of a variety of commercial sites both within Greenwich and nearby, many of which are already home to a host of specialized healthcare services and centers.” – P&Z commissioner Peter Lowe Continue Reading →

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FASSULIOTIS: David versus Goliath – A Modern Tale

“Now there is a “stay” in the court proceeding to see if there is some sort of “compromise” that can be reached with P&Z. It’s a common tactic used by developers and, on the premise that it avoids expensive litigation by the town and the outcome of any litigation is unknown, it usually results in the approval of a slightly modified structure by our town’s P&Z..” – Karen Fassuliotis Continue Reading →

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LETTER: Let’s Support Greenwich Hospital’s Proposed State-of-the-Art Cancer Treatment Facility

“ important consideration is what may happen to the land if the project is not approved. I do not know what may happen to this land, but I do know that many developers have been buying up parcels in Greenwich and proposing outsized and incongruous low-income housing under State Statute 8-30g. If this were to happen, our Planning and Zoning Commission could not protect the neighborhood from what may be an even more concerning development.” – Brooks Harris Continue Reading →

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After P&Z Denial, Greenwich Hospital Returns with Updated Smilow Cancer Center Proposal

“The headlines of the past two years have all been about Covid, but at Greenwich Hospital, in addition to Covid, we have not taken our eye off the fact that the incidence of cancer continues to grow.” – Diane Kelly, president of Greenwich Hospital Continue Reading →

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