The project that’s been happening right under our feet at Grand Central since 2006: a new rail station. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/mta/)
The project that’s been happening right under our feet at Grand Central since 2006: a new rail station. Continue Reading →
Joseph Giulietti has had a career in public transportation, starting as a brakeman and assistant conductor at Penn Central Railroad. He rose through the ranks until he became president of the MTA Metro-North Railroad, the nation’s second largest commuter railroad. Continue Reading →
Fred Camillo and Mike Bocchino circulated a petition at the train station on Thursday morning. Most commuters were unaware of a pending 5% fare hike, a public hearing scheduled on Sept. 14, and the shuttering of the ticket window at Greenwich station, and were eager to sign the petition. Continue Reading →
After 19 years as a member of the Commuter Council, Jim Cameron resigned, but did not quit. Cameron formed the Commuter Action Group, inviting commuters to use a web app, Twitter and Facebook to bypass the DOT and Metro-North to appeal directly to legislators. According to Cameron, complaints about safety and delays have inundated legislators in Hartford. Addressing the RMA in Greenwich on Wednesday, Cameron picked apart Metro-North’s record of safety and delays. Continue Reading →
An African-American man in his 30s was found dead on the train tracks in Rye near Locust Ave Friday morning around 7:00am, Metro-North spokespersons confirmed. Trains on the New Haven Line continue to run 25 minutes late as of 11:00am, according to MTA twitter feed. Continue Reading →
Continuing her “listening tour,” this week Jill Oberlander listened to commuters on the Greenwich train station platform. Continue Reading →
Gov. Malloy convened a crisis summit on Monday. The topic, the recent incidents that caused the failure of the New Haven Line’s “WALK Bridge” in Norwalk. The incident was the second major failure in two weeks and left thousands of passengers stranded and delayed. Continue Reading →