Melissa Evans

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Greenwich DTC Statement on Improper Surveillance at Town Hall

“Of course, an investigation might not have been necessary if Mr. Dadakis had simply revealed who had supplied him with the surveillance photo. But when asked to do so in early 2019, Mr. Dadakis said that he did not recall where he had gotten the photo. Things took a different turn during the police investigation. The police report does not indicate that Mr. Dadakis denied recalling who had given him the photo. Rather, he claimed that he was not required to answer the police’s questions, invoking the journalist’s privilege (apparently based on the fact that he has a blog).” – Greenwich DTC Statement Submitted by DTC chair Joe Angland Continue Reading →

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Republican Selectmen Demur on Investigation of Unauthorized Filming; Democrats Cry “Felony,” “Inside Job”

“Gentlemen, this appears as though it was an inside job. It had to be an inside job. We are sitting here today rapidly approaching 90 days since it was brought to anyone’s attention, giving those involved plenty of time to destroy records and cover up the tracks.” – Tony Turner, DTC Chair Continue Reading →

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Selectmen Mull GHS Student Parking, Double Parking, Lack of Compliance on Drop off and Pick Up Agreement

First Selectman Peter Tesei asked for more aggressive police enforcement against double parking on Hillside Road and suggested a working committee be formed to explore smoother drop off and pick up. Continue Reading →

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Hillside Rd Neighbors Fed Up with Traffic & GHS Students Monopolizing On-Street Parking

Student parking on Hillside Road and visitor parking at Greenwich High School are not written into town code.

Neighbors said that with GHS selling permits to students to park on Hillside Rd and renting both fields and the building to outside groups including Trinity Church on Sundays, Hillside Road was a commercial zone masquerading as a residential zone. Continue Reading →

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