The debate included an accusation of plagiarism and a complaint about mansplaining. Continue Reading →
local control
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Senator Kasser’s Stance on Zoning
“There’s a tremendous amount of outrage and media coverage about the zoning bill in particular. Why? Because Republicans are making it a lightning rod issue to stir fear and create anxiety. We’ve seen this strategy before on a host of other issues.” – State Senator Alex Kasser Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, "mansion tax" SB171, DesegregateCT, local control, SB 1024, State Senator Alex Kasser, Westport, zoning
Marathon Hearing Draws 340+ to Testify; Republicans Mostly Oppose, Dem’s Mostly Favor SB 1024 “The DeSegregate CT Bill”
These proposed bills not only ignore the economic reality of home pricing in high opportunity towns, but their adoption will suffocate efforts in affluent communities to create actual affordable units via private sector development.” – Danielle Dobin, Westport P&Z chair Continue Reading →
Filed under: Business, Government, Real Estate, 8-30g, accessory dwelling units, ADU, affordable housing, Danielle Dobin
CT General Assembly Housing Committee to Take Up Bills Relating to Local Control, Planning & Zoning, and Housing at Feb 18 Hearing
Several bills relating to local control, planning and zoning, and housing are up for hearing Thursday, February 18 beginning at 11:00am in the Housing Committee. Continue Reading →