Pedal Greenwich

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GCDS Wheel-A-Thon Raises Funds to Support Youth Athletics in High-Need Areas

The inaugural Wheel-a-Thon was not merely a fun event, but a significant step towards supporting Good Sports, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and financial support for youth athletic programs in high-need areas. Continue Reading →

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PEDAL GREENWICH: It’s time for ‘Complete Streets’ in Greenwich

People have been advocating for complete streets in Greenwich for ages, in fact. More than a decade ago, Greenwich completed five studies in five neighborhoods titled “Safe Routes to School.” The studies were focused on making it safe for kids to bike or walk to school. Complete Streets is now what officials call an approach to planning that does that kind of thing. (The studies, by the way, were shelved.) Continue Reading →

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Residents Unite to Demand BET action on Julian Curtiss, Old Greenwich and Central Middle Schools

Parents described flooding including sewage at Old Greenwich School, buckling walls and water coming in at Central Middle School, injured children being carried up an down stairs at Julian Curtiss due to lack of an elevator. Continue Reading →

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Pedal Greenwich Year One: Securing a bike seat at the table

“We don’t have bike lanes. We don’t have bike signs. We don’t have bike racks. We don’t have bike paths, really. We don’t even have a plan to change that in the foreseeable future. Our town’s officials mostly were silent about biking during local elections last November, and the ideas floated by those who swept key leadership positions were anemic: “safety training, distracted driving enforcement and road maintenance.” – Pedal Greenwich Continue Reading →

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