Greenwich Crossing will include a new luxury restaurant with expansive outdoor seating where previously there was a movie theater. There will be a modernized Greenwich Train Station and renovated retail spaces. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/greenwich-crossing/)
Greenwich Crossing will include a new luxury restaurant with expansive outdoor seating where previously there was a movie theater. There will be a modernized Greenwich Train Station and renovated retail spaces. Continue Reading →
“Greenwich deserves a good elevator for people who travel to and from work in office attire and, of course, especially for disabled people.” – Darany von Regensburg, founder of Friends of Autistic People (FAP) Continue Reading →
“While we own the train station lobby, the Town of Greenwich is responsible for maintaining the elevator in the Train Station and is aware of the problem and has been working to address it.” – Kim DePra, director of Marketing & Communications for The Ashforth Company Continue Reading →