In August townspeople marked the 34 year anniversary since the ADA was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush to ensure the civil rights of people with disabilities. A ceremony was held in front of the historic post office where First Selectman Fred Camillo proposes to locate a statue of George H.W. Bush and an illuminated water fountain.
Two weeks after the ADA event, a caller to the First Selectman’s radio show complained that the elevator at Greenwich train station had been out of service for weeks if not months. In fact it was out of service prior to the start of the Ashforth Company’s redevelopment of the Greenwich Train Station and surrounding retail, starting with the demolition of the former movie theater.
The elevator is owned by the Town of Greenwich and is critical for people with mobility issues to move from street level to the north bound platform for trains to New York.
While the elevator was out of service, people with mobility issues were instructed to go around the block to the northbound platform and take an elevator to the footbridge over the tracks, and then take a second elevator down to the platform on the northbound side.

Entrance to elevator from train station at ground level. Oct 1, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager
Last Friday, good news arrived in the form of an email from the Greenwich’s Superintendent of Building Construction and Maintenance, Luigi Romano to town officials, Ashforth Co and the Dept of Transportation, to say the elevator repairs had been completed.
“I hope you are doing well. Follow up on our previous conversation, I wanted to let you know that the work on the train station elevator has been completed this morning and the central Greenwich train station elevator is fully operational at this time,” Mr. Romano wrote.
On Monday, that email was forwarded by Human Services to a long list of government officials, non profit leaders and local media.
The timing of the repair is notable as the Ashforth Co will formally kick off their project, Greenwich Crossing, later this month.
Brita Darany von Regensburg of Friends of Autistic People, “FAP,” hit reply all with a comment she gave permission to share: “So happy – as due to knee issues I have been using the elevator that recently acted strange, in addition to looking worse than elevators at New Delhi airport 50 years ago.”
“Thanks for pushing for the repair. Greenwich deserves a good elevator for people who travel to and from work in office attire and, of course, especially for disabled people,” Ms Darany von Regensburg wrote.

Elevator doors open after ride up from street level to northbound platform level. Oct 12, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager

Signage at the street level elevator at Greenwich train station. Aug 11, 2024 Photo: Leslie Yager
See also:
ADA Expectations: Broken Elevator at Greenwich Train Station is Town’s Responsibility Aug 13, 2024