A ceremony dedicating the new community room at Armstrong Court to the late Winston A. Robinson will be held Saturday, September 9, at 10:00am. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/greenwich-communities/page/2/)
A ceremony dedicating the new community room at Armstrong Court to the late Winston A. Robinson will be held Saturday, September 9, at 10:00am. Continue Reading →
CHFA award Greenwich Community’s 9% Housing Tax Credits for Armstrong Court Phase 4 totaling $13,515,848. Continue Reading →
P&Z voted to approve the 52-unit senior independent living building but on the condition they lose the mansard roof and use brick veneer instead of vinyl siding. Continue Reading →
Tony Johnson and Sam Romeo said the approval process had so far cost upwards of $150,000. They want to build a four-story, vinyl sided, 51-unit, senior and handicapped apartment building in Byram. Continue Reading →
The improvement project at Armstrong Court is about to hit another significant milestone. Greenwich Communities, formerly known as the Greenwich Housing Authority, will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Phase 2 of the Armstrong Court project at Building #6 on Saturday, July 16, at 10:30 am. Phase 2 is a $27 million project to renovate 42 housing units in Buildings #1, 3, and 6. The one and two-bedroom apartments have been renovated into three-bedroom units with new kitchens and appliances and other improvements. During Phase 1, 18 new townhouses were built.
“These buildings are transformative steps in furthering our vision for quality, affordable housing in Greenwich,” said Greenwich Communities Executive Director Anthony Johnson. Continue Reading →
There remain major concerns with the site plan for the proposed 52-unit elderly housing development proposed by Greenwich Communities. Continue Reading →
A memo from the DPW Sewer division talked about requiring the applicant to do an Infiltration/Inflow removal project. Continue Reading →
Rink user committee agenda item, Jan 5, 2022:
“Consideration and vote on recommendation to design an accessible pedestrian trail in the woods at Morlot Park – proposal by Timber and Stone, trail designer.” Continue Reading →
The 52unites would go toward the 1200 units needed to comply with CT Affordable Housing Statute 8-30g.
Feedback on the proposed 52 unit affordable senior independent living facility touched on infrastructure, materials for the building, parking, modular construction, Anne Kristoff memorial tree and loss of tree canopy. Continue Reading →
When it comes to proper use of a fire extinguisher, think “PASS.”
P stands for pull the pin, A stands for aim the hose, the first S stands for squeeze the lever, and the second one is for Sweep, Continue Reading →