How many Greenwich teenage drivers know how to change a tire? Add a quart of oil? Check their tire pressure? Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/fresh-green-light/)
How many Greenwich teenage drivers know how to change a tire? Add a quart of oil? Check their tire pressure? Continue Reading →
A collaboration between Greenwich High School grads Leland Graham and Ben Albano will result in a series of Fresh Green Light videos to help new drivers learn techniques including the three-point turn and back-in parking. Continue Reading →
A go-kart race and bowling fundraiser at Grand Prix New York in Mt. Kisko drove home the point that good driving requires concentration. The event was a fundraiser for Project Yellow Light. Continue Reading →
Some know Ben Albano as a GHS student who was recognized by the District for his community service back in March. Others know he is a championship race car driver whose pet peeve is teens who text and drive. This week we feature his internship at Fresh Green Light driving school. Continue Reading →