From the Greenwich Democratic Town committee:
It’s official. At their July 21st meeting, pursuant to state law, the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee formally endorsed an impressive group of candidates for the 2021 municipal elections. They are consistently well-qualified and well-versed in how town government works. They are active members of the community’s public life, and they have served, or are currently serving, on any number of the town’s boards.
Here are the candidates’ comments about their endorsements and campaigns:

• First Selectman: William “Bill” Kelly
“Janet and I appreciate the significance of our nomination. We understand the trust that the Democratic Town Committee has placed in us. We will do our best to earn that trust. We believe we are prepared, and we believe that if the voters will invest their time in learning about us then we will prevail in November. We will certainly do our part to reach out to all voters and every community. We will honor any and all invitations to meet anytime and anyplace. We look forward to the debates.
We will provide effective management, strong leadership and reasoned judgment. Our focus is to make sure there is room in our capital budget for the necessary capital expenditures of our school system. The Board of Education needs leaders at Town Hall who will work with them shoulder to shoulder, not go toe to toe. I spent eight years on the Board of Education and my granddaughter is a student at North Mianus School, where the roof fell in. We are committed to great schools and great teachers.
Lastly, I spent four years on the Board of Estimate and Taxation and I have a degree in Finance from the University of Notre Dame. Janet and I appreciate that low taxes are a hallmark of our decentralized government and we will not waste your tax payments.“
We look forward to the next two years.
• Selectwoman: Janet Stone McGuigan
“I am so appreciative of the Greenwich Democrat’s endorsement as candidate for the Board of Selectmen! I’m humbled when I think of those who have served before, and I’m proud and honored to be part of this impressive slate of candidates. Bill and I make a great team, I am thrilled to support him, and we are ready to run this race!
The time is right. Since moving to Greenwich in 2006, I’ve immersed myself in community service on a number of nonprofits and boards — the PTA Council, League of Women Voters, Junior League and Community Centers, Inc.— and the RTM. So, I’m seasoned and well versed on the issues our Town faces and excited to take it to the next level. I have professional experience as a policy analyst and mediator. You can be assured I’ll listen to every perspective, balance all interests and work as a servant leader for the whole of Greenwich.
And the time is right for Greenwich Democrats. We offer this Town a holistic vision, as leaders who will support our schools, environment, essential services and infrastructure while maintaining our quality of life and keeping it affordable. We will protect the interests of our youngest residents, our oldest, and everyone in between. We embrace diversity, equality and inclusion. We know what good, effective and efficient government looks like and we value open and accessible public process. We are fortunate to live in this wonderful town. And I couldn’t feel more fortunate to serve it. Together we can make this a Greenwich we all deserve!“

• Town Clerk: Mary “Molly” Saleeby
“I’m delighted and honored to once again receive the Democratic Town Committee’s endorsement for Town Clerk.
I cherish my hometown of Greenwich and our community. As a member of the Representative Town Meeting District 8 and a longtime town volunteer, I’ve taken an active role in serving others and advocating. The very essence of the Clerk’s office is helping people and I look forward to bringing a fresh perspective and new ideas for a more efficient experience for all.“
• Tax Collector: Trevor Crow
“It is my honor to be representing the Greenwich DTC as their candidate for Tax Collector. The opportunity to serve the people of Greenwich as Tax Collector would be my immense privilege. I am excited and thrilled to fight for the full, fair and equitable collection of taxes for the people of Greenwich!

Tax collecting is at its roots the most granular aspect of running our government smoothly and efficiently. Collecting taxes pays for our schools, law enforcement, our roads, open spaces and more.
My unique background combining 18 years of private practice in family therapy with a Harvard Business School degree qualifies me to understand not only the financial aspects of tax collection, but the emotional impact of taxes on a family and the community as a whole.
Please support my candidacy by donating to the DTC and be sure to vote on November 2.“
• Board of Estimate and Taxation: Laura Erickson, Miriam Kreuzer, Leslie Moriarty, Jeff Ramer, Stephen Selbst and David Weisbrod
“Speaking for the 6 BET Candidates, we are humbled and appreciative for the broad support we have received.
We choose to volunteer our time and talents to make Greenwich the kind of town we want to live in. One where the needs of the children in the public schools are met with effective teachers and classroom supports in accessible and updated school buildings; where appropriate fire coverage is available to all our residents and businesses; where Town services provide a safety net for residents in their times of need; where Town facilities keep people safe and engaged — from the libraries to playing fields to bicycle paths to parks and beaches; where real long term planning is implemented to prepare for the future —to address the impacts of climate change and the Town’s increasing capital investment requirements; where good financial management accomplishes these objectives with the lowest possible tax rates.
Your Democratic BET candidates are committed to these goals, but we need to win back control of the BET to accomplish them. We will need your help to get the message out that BET elections matter. Thank you again for your support and we will see you on the campaign trail.“
• Board of Education: Kathleen Stowe, the current Vice-Chair of the Board of Education, and Laura Kostin
“We are honored by the DTC’s endorsements, and we are both committed to continuing the excellence of the Town’s schools while addressing very real problems, such as decaying school buildings and shortcomings in special education.” – Kathleen Stowe and Laura Kostin
• Board of Assessment Appeals: Joe Huley, Howard Richman and Bill Grad.
• Constable: Dawn Fortunato and Donnie Romeo.