Despite the P&Z commission having approved the residential redevelopment at the former Honda site, the applicant, Mason Street Partners, with Josh Caspi as principal, wants the court to invalidate the approval and what it says are “invalid” conditions under 8-30g. Continue Reading →
Recent Posts
ANDREWS: Everyone wants a better rink; The devil is in the details
“Fred Camillo has, in many people’s opinions, abused the town wide email system to use it as his own personal database to push through this project as it is. He refers to 4 Byram residents delaying this project. These 4 community members represent the people of Byram, not just 4 residents. They are putting forth the concerns and fears of the neighborhood. Mr. Camillo seems to have forgotten they are also his constituents, not just the members of the skating community.” – Old Greenwich Resident, and RTM D-6 Member Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor
GPD Arrest Bank Fraud Suspects from New Jersey
The incident involved a counterfeit Connecticut Driver’s License and a fraudulent Social Security Card. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Police & Fire
FINN: Fred’s About to Fall Through Thin Ice…
“As a D-8 member, I can’t tell you how upset all of my colleagues were Wednesday night at our monthly meeting – torn between the fact that we absolutely need a new rink, but feel pushed into urgently approving a process that hasn’t been transparent, appeared to quickly dismiss alternative sites, may have a bigger price tag than expected and, simply put, does not have the support of the RTM to approve the Flip MI.” – Jim Finn Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor
P&Z Watch: New Proposal Behind Bank of America, J-Lofts on West Elm, Would Have Just 12 Units
After several previous applications ranging from up to 60 units, and from work force housing to 8-30g, the applicant, 240 GA, LLC, owned by John Fareri, is proposing just 12 units, with a total of 32 bedrooms and 2 Levels of parking. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, 240 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich Avenue, Historic District, J Lofts on West Elm Street, John Fareri, John Tesei
Shepaug Bald Eagle Observatory in Southbury Open for the Season
Visitors have enjoyed over 40 sightings of the U.S. national bird, the bald eagle, since opening day and can look forward to much more activity ahead for families and guests of all ages. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town
CT AG Tong Announces Coordinated Coast-to-Coast Crackdown on Bootleg, Highly Addictive, Disposable E-Cigarettes Used by Youth
“This is Joe Camel 2.0. Flavored disposable vapes are highly potent, highly-addictive, and used by kids. Many of these are bootleg illegal imports – untested and unsafe. We’re cracking down. Our investigation is focused on identifying the suppliers and distributors of these illicit products.” – Attorney General Tong Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Health
WOLD: Dedicated parkland in Greenwich should be open space forever
Splitting the open space creates two parklands because this new 40,000 sq ft building would clearly cut the dedicated by Ruth Sims parkland in two. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor
Alliance Française & Bruce Museum Announce: The Pursuit of Endurance
This documentary follows an expedition retracing the heroic journey of polar explorer Ernest Shackleton. Producer and longtime Greenwich resident Luc Hardy will attend for a post-screening Q&A and reception. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Arts
Gov Lamont Authorizes Deployment of CT National Guard and CT State Police to Support Presidential Inauguration Security in D.C.
The deployments come in response to mutual aid requests from the U.S. Department of Defense seeking additional National Guard security support, and from the Metropolitan Police Department seeking additional law enforcement support. Continue Reading →