According to a GoFundme created by Peter Schmitt, President of the Greenwich Police Silver Shield Association, Rooney entered Yale New Haven Hospital last week to have a tumor removed from his brain.
“Following the procedure Mike’s brain has unexpectedly endured a tremendous amount of swelling,” Shmitt wrote. “He is currently in a coma and fighting the battle of his life. Mike is a warrior and will continue to fight.” Continue Reading →
Recent Posts
PATE: Do you feel safer?
“Enter Senator Ryan Fazio, a man who understands that crime prevention isn’t about passing flashy laws that look good on paper. It’s about real-world solutions that keep criminals off the streets and guns out of the wrong hands.” – Nicole Pate Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor
Abilis Annual Walk/Run at Tod’s Point Set for Sunday, Oct 13
This year, Abilis is proud to announce that Sam Parks, age 23, of Stamford, is the official Walk/Run Ambassador. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Abilis Walk/Run, Amy Montimurro, Sam Parks
BARRO: Vote Democrat to Elect True Pro-Choice Candidates in Connecticut
“State Senator Ryan Fazio (R) voted NO on the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act. State Representative Rachel Khanna’s challenger, Tina Courpas (R) launched her campaign website detailing how she opposes that bill. Don’t be fooled by these candidates saying they are “pro-choice.” It takes much more than empty words to ensure women in Connecticut will continue to have access to safe and legal abortion care.” – Jen Barro, Retired physician and Greenwich resident Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor
Christ Church to Host Free Author’s Talk with Rev. Dr. Russ Levenson
Levenson’s book is “Witness to Dignity: The Life and Faith of George H. W. and Barbara Bush.” The event is Sunday, Oct 13, 2024, 11:15 am – 12:00pm in Parish Hall at Christ Church Greenwich. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Arts, Christ Church Greenwich, Rev. Dr. Russ Levenson
Man Charged with Assault after Punches Render Victim Unconscious at Restaurant
Greenwich Police determined that at Eastend Restaurant a man had pushed a woman and punched another man multiple times causing him to lose consciousness. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Police & Fire
This firefighter wants to re-elect State Rep. Rachel Khanna
“Rachel gets results. She’s proven that time and time again. She’s in close touch with her constituents, and when she learns about a need, she will leave no stone unturned to resolve it. The genuine care and heartfelt concern that she offers is a refreshing attribute. I hope you’ll join me in giving her another opportunity to represent our district.” – Joe Micalizzi is a career firefighter for the City of Stamford and serves as the legislative representative for the Stamford Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 786 Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor
Dozens of Forgery and Identity Theft Attempts at Local Bank Result in Arrests
Plain clothes officers working in the central Greenwich business district observed suspicious activity at a local bank. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Police & Fire
Leader of CT Catalytic Converter Theft and Trafficking Ring Pleads Guilty
A catalytic converter contains precious metals, can easily be removed from its vehicle, and is difficult to trace, making it a desirable target for thieves. The average scrap price for catalytic converters currently varies between $300 and $1,500, depending on the model and type of precious metal component. Alexander Kolitsas regularly transported and sold the catalytic converters to recycling businesses in New York and New Jersey. Some of these trips yielded payments in excess of $200,000. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government
Simmons is First Democrat in History of District 36 to Receive Cross-Endorsement from CT Independent Party
This endorsement means Simmons will appear on both the Democratic and Independent ballot lines in the upcoming November election, marking a historic first for the State Senate District 36. Continue Reading →