Mother’s Day

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Flowers, Soaps, Candles, and Much More: Shop Abilis Gardens & Gifts for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12 and Abilis Gardens & Gifts is the place to shop for unique and one-of-a-kind items. The options focus on flowers and plants in the greenhouse to home decor, handmade soaps, lotions and candles, diffusers and fresh beautiful special Mother’s Day flower arrangements (available for pre-order and grab-and-go arrangements). But there is much more to choose from once you step inside! Continue Reading →

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Arguimbau Art to Host Mother’s Day Weekend Show at the Red Barn

Peter Layne Arguimbau is opening his Red Barn Greenwich gallery/studio this Mother’s Day weekend for the season, showing his oil collection of marines, land and seascapes, harbors, portraits and animals.
Peter Arguimbau resides and has painted in Greenwich for 30 years specializing in classic marine paintings and vistas. His oil paintings are well known for their luminist light and resinous color. Continue Reading →

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Garden Club of Old Greenwich to Hold Plant Sale in Time for Mother’s Day

All proceeds support the club’s long-standing tradition of civic beautification of Old Greenwich, the Butterfly Garden at Greenwich Point, outreach gardening workshops for senior citizens, and garden education at Old Greenwich School. Continue Reading →

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Get Yourself to the Old Greenwich Garden Club’s Plant Sale!

The Garden Club of Old Greenwich members prepare for the Plant Sale May 7, by decorating Fairy Houses and Fairy House Kits which will be for sale along with Members’ own perennials, Mother’s Day Baskets, Bake Sale, Annuals, Herbs, Vegetables and Native Plants. Continue Reading →

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