Barrels categorized for styrofoam, sports balls, plastic containers, glass bottles, straws, and more filled up quickly on Saturday morning. There were also tables and tents set up for environmental groups to share information. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/luke-meyers/)
Barrels categorized for styrofoam, sports balls, plastic containers, glass bottles, straws, and more filled up quickly on Saturday morning. There were also tables and tents set up for environmental groups to share information. Continue Reading →
Sign up today for the Live Like Luke Beach Cleanup on Saturday, April 22 from 10:00-2:00pm at Greenwich Point Park in memory of Luke Meyers. Continue Reading →
All non-biodegradable debris will be tallied and reported to Save the Sound for submission to the Ocean Conservancy which coordinates results from organizations throughout the world to collect to analyze the pollution in the earth’s waters. Continue Reading →
Luke Meyers legacy is actually exciting. His memory will live on. Continue Reading →
The event will honor the memory of Luke Meyers, the GHS student who lost his battle with cancer in 2019. As a board member of the GHS Environmental Action Club and a Bruce Museum Seaside Center volunteer, Luke chose to dedicate his “Make A Wish” gift to the improvement of the world’s environment. Continue Reading →
A memorial service will be held at Christ Church on Saturday, December 21 at 2:00 pm. Continue Reading →
Hundreds of people participated in the clean up, in virtually every nook and cranny of the park, armed with buckets and gloves, collecting trash. Continue Reading →