Jeff Ramer

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DTC Chair Ramer: “When people fail to ostracize bad behavior, they condone it”

Jeff Ramer - Greenwich Free Press

“When people fail to ostracize bad behavior, they condone it, and by doing so, they perpetuate it. Witness the boorish louts who stood at the back of the room at the Bhargava/Camillo debate, heckling and catcalling only when Ms. Bhargava spoke. Mr. Camillo said nothing. People running about at night, pulling out “Dita” signs and replacing them with “Camillo.”” – Jeff Ramer Continue Reading →

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Jeff Ramer: Single Party Politics Jeopardizes Board of Ed Balance

A new plan would increase the Board of Ed to 10 members serving four-year terms. Five would come up for election every two years, with three of the five to come from the candidates named by the majority Party. Thus six of the ten members on the Board of Ed would be from the candidates named by the Republican Town Committee. That is a lot of control for a dwindling Party that today represents only 38% of the registered voters in Town. Continue Reading →

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