To date, we’ve arranged with Pacific House and Inspirica to receive donations and plan to expand the list of receiving agencies. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/inspirica/)
To date, we’ve arranged with Pacific House and Inspirica to receive donations and plan to expand the list of receiving agencies. Continue Reading →
Let’s help Jackson reach his goal of collecting 2,000 pairs of socks to help those in need this winter and spread the word about Socktober. Continue Reading →
Greenwich residents are bibliophiles. They also love to know their donated books will go to appreciative eyes. Continue Reading →
Beginning April 20 the Greenwich United Way will be accepting applications for a second round of grants to be issued later this year. Continue Reading →
“I feel wonderful. When I started doing this I didn’t know what to expect, but it became something I very quickly felt passionate about, especially when I realized what kind of difference we were making.” – Jeff Medina, Board of Human Services Continue Reading →
Inspirica, the largest provider of services to the homeless in lower Fairfield County, was the recipient of Impact FFC’s inaugural $100,000 Impact Grant in 2016, which funded the creation of its Early Childhood and Parenting Program. Continue Reading →
“At this time of year there is much to be thankful for. But the pandemic has impacted some people far more than others, and those struggling financially or coping with homelessness are hurting the most.” – Jeffrey Medina, Greenwich Board of Human Services member Continue Reading →
Having collected a whopping 2,493 pairs of socks in October, Jackson needed to borrow a wheelbarrow to move all the socks from his parents’ car to the elevator inside Inspirica’s building at 141 Franklin Street. Continue Reading →
Robin Fox currently appears on Nickelodeon’s “NickMom Night Out.” The New Jersey native has been described as a “one-woman sitcom” and in 2013 won the Ladies of Laughter competition. Now, she headlines the Ladies of Laughter tour around the US. Continue Reading →
A Week of outdoor activities made for a memorable vacation for a group of 13 Inspirica children last week. On Friday the children went on a hike through the woods, where they placed pine boughs on a fort to shelter from a brief rain, played camouflage-hide-and-seek and made pizza from scratch. The week was packed with outdoor activities and the kids will have plenty of stories to share when they get back to school. Continue Reading →