Jackson Bogardus, 11, a sixth grader at Eastern Middle School, is conducting his third annual sock drive, “Socktober” in Greenwich.

For the month of October Jackson is collecting donations of socks for adults and children.
Jackson explained that socks are one of the most needed items in homeless shelters. In the US, 94 million people live in or near poverty. That’s almost one out of every three.
The plan, as in the past is to collect donations of new pairs of socks, which Jackson will donate to Inspirica in Stamford.
New this year, he will also donate socks to Kids In Crisis and to a school in the Bronx.
There is also the option to donate money toward purchasing pairs of socks through his website jacksonssocktober.com.
“In the past three years we’ve collected over 10,000 pairs of socks,” Jackson said. “The goal is to collect 2,000 pairs this Socktober.”
The good news is that Bombas is again donating a couple of boxes of socks.
Throughout October, Jackson will be at the weekly Old Greenwich Farmers Market at the Living Hope Community Church at 38 West End Ave where he is set up with a table and donation bin. The Old Greenwich Farmers Market is Wednesdays from 2:30pm to 6:00pm.
Another option is to purchase and donate socks at Threads and Treads.
Please help Jackson reach his goal of collecting 2,000 pairs of socks to help those in need this winter and spread the word about Socktober.