On Tuesday Jeff Medina and Natalie Queen, co-chairs of Greenwich’s Board of Human Services winter coat drive, dropped off donations of women’s and children’s winter coats to the Domestic Violence Crisis Center in Stamford.
This was the third agency to receive coats, as Medina and Queen previously delivered coats and clothing to Inspirica and Pacific House, both in Stamford.

“The drive brought in over 400 donated coats,” Medina said on Tuesday, the last day of the coat drive.
“I feel wonderful,” he said. “When I started doing this I didn’t know what to expect, but it became something I very quickly felt passionate about, especially when I realized what kind of difference we were making.”
“I thought it was good to do something to get people together, especially in this year when there is so much need,” he added. “We’ve delivered so many coats to Inspirica that they couldn’t take any more.”
Medina explained he originally had the idea for a coat drive in the approach to Thanksgiving when Covid numbers were ticking up and gatherings were canceled.
While many people in Greenwich were able to switch over to remote work, others have struggled after job losses.
“The pandemic has impacted some people far more than others, and those struggling financially or coping with homelessness are hurting the most,” Medina said.
Throughout the coat drive, Medina and Queen were both impressed with the generosity of Greenwich residents.
“Maybe we’ll have to do this again next year,” Medina said.