The team’s podcast script was selected for publication in the 2023 Issue of Journal of Future Economists. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/ian-tiedemann/)
The team’s podcast script was selected for publication in the 2023 Issue of Journal of Future Economists. Continue Reading →
The GHS delegation won 9 awards in total, including 3 Best Delegate awards. Nicole Orlofsky, Senior, won Best Delegate; Ziyi Yan, Junior, won Best Delegate; Helena Kennedy, Junior, won Best Delegate; Ela Zielinski, Sophomore, won Outstanding Delegate; Nicolas Sosa, Freshman, won Outstanding Delegate; Jennifer Yin, Sophomore, won Honorable Delegate; Zara Haque, Sophomore, won Honorable Delegate; Charlotte Marcussen, Sophomore, won Honorable Delegate; and Martin Lipp, Freshman, won Honorable Delegate, all in their individual committees. Continue Reading →
“. “We had more students win Best Delegate than at any other conference in my time as the team’s advisor. We were also recognized as an Outstanding Large Delegation for the first time.” – Model UN Club advisor Ian Tiedemann Continue Reading →
“The hybrid system was surprisingly easy to adjust to.” – Benjamin Shi Continue Reading →
“This challenge has been one of the things keeping us sane during this pandemic and it was such a fantastic experience.” – Team member Veda Swaminathan Continue Reading →
Seventeen Greenwich High School students were recognized for their performance, representing the most successful showing the school’s club has had at this event. Continue Reading →
“The awards committee was particularly impressed with your passion for economics, your inclusion of various external resources and texts, and your continued commitment to economic education.” – Council for Economic Education Continue Reading →
At the heart of both of the Federal Reserve Challenge and the Euro Challenge is monetary and fiscal policy and the challenge of implementing them. In early years the students weren’t invited back for a second round of competition. That has changed! Continue Reading →
“What’s the purpose of your education if you can’t apply it to real life scenarios?” – Kent Schneider, GHS senior who took AP Econ as a junior. Continue Reading →
The two-week program will take place on weekdays from July 16 – 27. Continue Reading →