Harry Arora

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LETTER: Greenwich Women Stand With Harry Arora

“Women in Greenwich want to see their investments in their homes keep their value. They want to see their elderly neighbors be able to stay in their homes. They want to see their children move back to Greenwich and raise their families here. Harry is committed to finding a policy solution to reverse Connecticut’s policy challenges.” Continue Reading →

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Baker: Moss Represents Long Term Service in Greenwich

“I rely on (LWV) debates and the “Voters’ Guide” published by the Greenwich League of Women Voters to learn about candidates; therefore, I was alarmed to learn that he refused to participate in one for this election. I was also alarmed to think that he was challenging the integrity and long history of nonpartisanship of the League of Women Voters and their choice of a revered and capable Moderator for that debate.” – Sue H Baker Continue Reading →

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LETTER: Attack on Moss RTM Vote Based on Specious Argument

“The vote (Michael Spilo) refers to was a vote against the deletion of $200k from the current budget for a second propane refueling station to be located at Holly Hill. What Spilo fails to mention is that his analysis used different accounting methods than the Town. He ignores other factors contributing to the cost/benefit analysis such as the reduction in emissions and the cost savings to the town as it continues to add duel fuel vehicles to the town’s fleet.” – Caryn Rosenbaum, Greenwich Continue Reading →

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