A steady stream of commuters and workers at local businesses stopped in at McDonald’s on West Putnam Avenue where Greenwich Police reprised their popular Coffee with a Cop event on Wednesday morning. Continue Reading →
Ericka Garcia
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Catalano and Sons Upset Two-Time Champs Rex Kwon Do in 3rd Annual “Dodge for a Cause” Tourney
The third annual dodge for a cause tournament at the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich benefited Abilis. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Giving, Sports, Volunteering, Abilis, Bobby Walker, Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich, Camryn Ferrara
Greenwich Police Thwart Two Suicide-by-Cop Attempts
In Greenwich from March 1, 2017 to March 1, 2018 there were 17 suicide attempts and 4 suicides in Greenwich. In the same period there were 173 mental illness crisis situations requiring police intervention. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Police & Fire, Dave Swift, Eric Scorca, Ericka Garcia, Greenwich Police Dept
PHOTOS: 15th Annual Boys & Girls Club’s Thanksgiving Dinner Celebrates One Big Family
The Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich reprised a favorite tradition on Tuesday night with the 15th annual Thanksgiving feast, serving a whopping 416 hot meals. The meal included turkey, gravy, stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls and a choice of apple or pumpkin pie with whipped cream. “The one thing is the need is greater than people realize. But this event is about family,” said Boys & Girls Club CEO Bobby Walker. “Whether you are in need or not.” Continue Reading →
Filed under: Holiday, Bill Gallagher, Bobby Walker, Camryn Ferrara, Chief Jim Heavey, Chrissy von Oiste, Don Palmer, Dr. Chris Winters
Greenwich Police Make An Impact during “Middle School Night” at Boys & Girls Club
The Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich’s middle school members had a great time at last Friday night at their “middle school night,” where the theme was Challenge a Police Officer. Approximately 75 middle school children (every week the attendance keeps growing) and 15 police officers, comprised of both Boys & Girls Club alumni and non-alumni men and women attended this fun event. Athletic Coordinator, Camryn Ferrara and Teen Coordinator, Ryan Accurso worked together to prepare these events which both teens and staff love! ‘Challenge a Police Officer’ was a great night for the kids,”said Ferrara. “The officers weren’t just here to be here. Continue Reading →