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Selectmen Consider DPW North Street Bridge Project Detour Route and Road Closure

“One of the things we are including in the contract is some temporary traffic calming measures that we can implement as needed, in the event we start seeing people not behaving well on some of the side roads or the detour route itself. We’ll have additional signage and variable message boards – flashing signs – and potentially we can even put in temporary speed humps in some of the smaller surrounding areas if people start using them for cut-throughs.” – DPW commissioner Jim Michel Continue Reading →

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Detour Announced for Sound Beach Avenue Bridge Closure Starting April 11

Accelerated Bridge Construction techniques will be utilized in this project, which can significantly reduce road closure time. To complement the scenic area, the Sound Beach Avenue Bridge will match the look of the Wesskum Wood Road Bridge and pedestrian bridges within Binney Park, by installing a masonry fascia comprised of rounded stones, deep grout, and capstones. Continue Reading →

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