CT Dept of Transportation

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CT DOT Public Meeting on Rte 1 Centerline Rumble Strips in Greenwich Scheduled

“Centerline rumble strips are a low-cost FHWA safety countermeasure that alert drivers when they drift out of a lane, reducing head on collisions and roadway departure crashes.” – CT Dept of Transportation Project Manager Balazs Szoke. Continue Reading →

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Greenwich Tree Conservancy: House Bills Address Destructive Tree Cutting by DOT, Eversource

“The pace of this destructive practice appears to be increasing at the same time as stronger storms are creating more dramatic flooding and the resulting erosion. This cutting also results in the creation of heat islands throughout town and other unanticipated outcomes that negatively affect our neighborhoods.” – JoAnn Messina, Executive Director, Greenwich Tree Conservancy Continue Reading →

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CT Dept of Transportation Shares Details on Lake Ave Bridge Detour

Motorist can also expect lane closures on the Merritt Parkway (Route 15) during the construction of the bridge. The allowable work hours for this project on the Merritt Parkway are Monday through Friday Southbound between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., Northbound between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Saturday and Sunday between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. excluding statewide holiday lane closure restrictions. Continue Reading →

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