Sal DeAngelo, who will turn 98 on July 26, shared nearly a century’s worth of memories this week. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/chickahominy/page/2/)
Sal DeAngelo, who will turn 98 on July 26, shared nearly a century’s worth of memories this week. Continue Reading →
Two pre-applications are tentatively scheduled for the March 2 Planning & Zoning meeting, including an 8-30g at 171 Ham Ave and a 6-110 that would redevelop the Honda dealership on Mason Street. Continue Reading →
The applicant proposes 9,564 sq ft of floor area, which results in a proposed FAR of 1.41. Continue Reading →
Parents are offered live streaming of their child on any device throughout the day. Continue Reading →
This year, however, the feast is just that: a feast. No carnival rides or games of chance. No live music or kegs of beer, but the organizers are going above and beyond to create a safe, delicious, outdoor dining experience behind the St Roch Christian Life Center. Continue Reading →
DPW has just a month to create a system for issuing residential permits for $25.00 per household and to create a system to bill haulers for their tonnage. Continue Reading →
Expect great food, live music, a beer & wine garden, games and rides at the family friendly event in Chickahominy. Continue Reading →
The Steal Vault opened as a pop up shop with three racks for three days on Hamilton Ave. It was an instant hit and now the store is brimming with consigned items, including designer and lifestyle brands. Continue Reading →
Each year, St. Roch parish hosts an annual feast in the Chickahominy section of Greenwich. Continue Reading →
In the 1937, feisty Democrat Josephine Evaristo and her Chickahominy neighbors hired a lawyer to fight Greenwich’s plans to locate an incinerator on two tracts of land: 4-1/2 acres known as the Tesei tract, and 10 acres known as the Adsit property. They lost. Continue Reading →