DiMarco & DeAngelo: We urge you to participate in DPW hearings on pedestrian & traffic safety

Submitted by Bob DeAngelo and Vin DiMarco, co-chairs, Selectman’s Active Transportation Task Force

Fellow residents:

Despite the denial by the BET of the appropriation of requested funds in the 2024-2025 Budget to develop a townwide Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Plan, DPW Deputy Commission Jim Michel has stated he will likely resubmit the request as an interim appropriation in June.

We urge you to participate in the ongoing public comment sessions, voice specific concerns about trouble spots or other issues impacting you or your neighborhood, as well as those in other parts of Town, among them:

Dangerous road user behavior, e.g. speeding, red-light running, distracted driving and others, whether by motorists, cyclists or other legal road users; and

Infrastructure issues, e.g. lack, or poor condition of sidewalks and crosswalks, the need for bike lanes or other facilities, poor sight lines due to badly located or illegal parking, bad road design or natural conditions, or lack of maintenance.

Speak up and demonstrate your support for the development of a Safety Action Plan for our local roads that will include enhanced Education, new Policy and a Complete Streets approach to improving our infrastructure for safety and accessibility for all.

See Meeting Schedule details including Zoom links here. The upcoming sessions are:

Central Greenwich: Thursday, Thursday, April 25
Western Greenwich (Byram, Chickahominy, Glenville & Pemberwick): Monday, April 29
Townwide: Wednesday, May 1
Backcountry: Thursday, May 16

Bob DeAngelo and Vin DiMarco, co-chairs, Selectman’s Active Transportation Task Force