Did you know that the US Navy is now engaged in its biggest sea battle since World War II? That’s the news from the Red Sea where US Navy and other allies’ warships are patrolling the waters, trying to keep shipping safe on its way to and from the Suez Canal despite constant bombardments by the Houthis. Continue Reading →
Talking Transportation
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Talking Transportation: Avoiding Drowsy Driving
Is it by chance that many of the recent wrong-way crashes on our parkways and interstates have occurred in the wee hours of the morning? – Jim Cameron Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, Jim Cameron, Talking Transportation
TALKING TRANSPORTATION: Fare Hikes, Collapsing Bridges, Microtransit
Lots of transportation related stories to catch up with, so here goes: Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, Jim Cameron, Talking Transportation
What do 15,000 sheep, 7000 US sailors, that order for your new patio furniture and your recent “TEMU haul” have in common? Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, Jim Cameron, Talking Transportation
Talking Transportation: Why We Love to Hate I-95
“Did you know that one of the most expensive McDonald’s in the US is at the northbound service area in Darien where a Big Mac combo meal costs big bucks… $18?” – Jim Cameron Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, I-95, Jim Cameron, Talking Transportation
TALKING TRANSPORTATION: Vehicle Miles Tax Trial is Under Way in CT
Full disclosure: I’m one of those who signed up and so far the test has run seamlessly while providing me with great metrics on how many miles I’ve driven, how much CT gasoline tax I’ve paid and what the pricing might have been under a Vehicle Miles Tax. Turns out my hybrid Toyota Prius would pay less under a VMT plan than pay a gas tax. The trial runs through October. – Jim Cameron Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, congestion pricing, Jim Cameron, Talking Transportation, tolls, Vehicle Miles Tax, VMT
TALKING TRANSPORTATION: Building Great (And Really Expensive) Things
During construction of Grand Central Maison, 200 of the 900 construction workers digging the huge tunnels were being paid $1000 a day but effectively doing nothing. This was discovered in 2010 and the excess workers were laid off, but the incident was not reported to the public which is paying for the project. – Jim Cameron Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, Jim Cameron, Talking Transportation
Are you ready for winter? Got your supply of salt and sand, the old snow shovel dusted off, the snow blower gassed up and ready for fun? Well, the CDOT, our bus companies and commuter railroads are getting ready too. But there are challenges ahead. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, Jim Cameron, Talking Transportation
“Staff shortages for on-board personnel mean that Café Cars may not be in service or sleeping cars can’t be used, despite demand. That means fares will remain high. Like Uber, Amtrak operates on a “surge pricing” model: the higher the demand, the higher the fares. At last check, one-way from NY to Boston on the days before and after Thanksgiving was $309… in coach!” – Jim Cameron Continue Reading →
Filed under: Opinion, Amtrak, Jim Cameron, Talking Transportation
TALKING TRANSPORTATION: Beautifying Local Train Stations
“Even the smallest things like the décor of the station and its surroundings can make a positive impression, kicking off your trip with a smile, especially when it comes to flowers.” – Jim Cameron Continue Reading →