Why do children do what they do? The Stanwich School is proud to announce Parenting Matters: A 6-week social and emotional learning course for parents and their young children.
The new parent and child classes welcome children 2-3 years of age and their parent to Wildwood Cottage. Children will experience the magic of Stanwich’s early education program, while their education professionals lead meaningful discussions on current parenting topics.
Conversation topics include:
• The importance of social emotional development for young children.
• How play can be a powerful parenting practice.
• Ways to help children develop friendship skills.
• Why do children do what they do?
• How to make expectations clear for children.
• Effective ways to develop and teach household rules.
• How to teach problem-solving skills.
Series Course Details:
Six Fridays: January 6, 13, 20, 27, February 3, 10
10:30 – 11:30am • $120/series
Child must be 2 years old by the start of the class session
Child must be accompanied by an adult for the entirety of each class session
Register today at www.stanwichschool.org
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