The Children’s School is honored to have renowned psychologist Robert Brooks, Ph.D., on campus to speak with parents about “Raising a Self-Disciplined, Caring, and Resilient Child” on Wednesday, November 6, at 7:00pm. Continue Reading →
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Christ Church to Host Sunday Forum: The Art and Power of Parenting Children, Teens and Our Adult Children
Helping young adults navigate their life is getting harder and more complicated. Continue Reading →
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Momtourage: Surviving the Early Stages of Motherhood, Moms With Children Newborn to Age 5, This One Is For You!
Parenting at during this time can be laborious for an array of reasons! Continue Reading →
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Parenting Matters: Stanwich School to host 6-week social and emotional learning course for parents and their young children.
Conversation topics include ways to help children develop friendship skills, how to make expectations clear for children, and effective ways to develop and teach household rules. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, parenting, Stanwich School, Wildwood Cottage
Come Adversity or Tragedy, Resilient Kids Cope Better
By Leslie Yager
At the heels of week in which a spurned prom invitation resulted in tragedy, a Father’s Forum talk on cultivating resilience in children was timely. GHS Wellness teacher Kathy Steiner said she had recently been talking about stress, stressors and stress management with her 9th graders. Fear of Failure – You Must be a Super Star
Steiner said, “I don’t care how old or young you are, or how much money you make, we all have stress.” But for her what matters is a person’s ability to turn their stress into opportunity. Steiner said it is sad when a young person turns down opportunities as a result of a fear of failure. Continue Reading →