Girl Scout Troop 51026 Learns from Women from Greenwich Government

Greenwich Girl Scout Troop 50126 recently invited several Greenwich representatives to speak about their roles in government to earn their Inside Government badge.

The panel consisted of the following women leaders:

Meghan Olsson (BoE), Karen Fassuliotis (BET), Barbara Hindman (RTM), Katherine LoBalbo (RTM), Jennifer Dayton (BoE) and Beth Krumeich (BET).

The troop was excited to learn about how each speaker represented her constituency and their roles inside and outside government.

The troop also discovered that many of the female leaders in Greenwich government were also Girl Scouts and/or Girl Scout leaders as well.

State Representative Livvy Floren will meet with Troop 50126 on March 2 to discuss her role in state government and how she represents Greenwich.

Troop 51026, comprised of North Mianus Grade 4 Juniors, is led by Lori Mulligan.