A study of the Strickland Brook Drainage area has been completed along with the review of several alternatives to alleviate flooding during high intensity rain events for the Cos Cob area.
The purpose of this study and review of alternatives is to alleviate flooding and allow for emergency vehicles to travel in the public right-of-way and improve emergency response.
This project is being completed the Town of Greenwich Dept of Public Works Engineering Division, with the assistance of CDM Smith, a design consulting firm.
This area was listed as a priority on the Stormwater Capital Improvement Ranking Sheet by the Flood and Erosion Control Board.
The goal of this public information meeting is to present findings of the study to date and gain input from residents on their experience during the April 2007 rain event, as well as Tropical Storms Sandy and Irene.
Any data, photos and videos are welcome and would be appreciated.
It is the Town’s and the State’s policy to keep persons informed and involved when such projects are undertaken. It is important that the community share its concerns to assist in the project’s development.
The Town will conduct a public information meeting on Thursday, March 1, 2018, at 7:00 PM, in the Cos Cob Elementary School Cafeteria, 300 East Putnam Avenue, Cos Cob, CT 06807.
Anyone interested in obtaining further information or providing input may do so by contacting Gabriella M. Circosta Cohee, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, at (203) 861-3151 or via email: [email protected].