“It wasn’t a lot of people. People I think are still a little cautious. But they seemed to be smiling. Beeped their horns and gave the thumbs up. It felt good.” – First Selectman Fred Camillo Continue Reading →
outdoor seating
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P&Z Watch: Balducci’s Seeks Outdoor Seating for 24
Planning and Zoning was presented an application on Tuesday from Balducci’s attorney John Heagney for 24 seats of outdoor dining at the Riverside supermarket. Specifically, they seek six tables – four outside the front of the building, and two on the side of the building for customers and staff who want to sit outside during their breaks. The application hit a snag pretty quickly. In the Town’s regulations, the outdoor dining definition refers to dining related to a restaurant or retail food establishment. Balducci’s is neither. Continue Reading →